NwayemLiz Daily Inspirational NEW LIFE IN CHRIST 5 MEMORY VERSE: - Exodus 40:34-35 - "Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud settled on it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle." The new life in Christ has given us back our dominion power. In the old life the dominion power was lost due to sin. Man was strapped of the glory that enables them to be in charge.... Wherefore Paul wrote, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). To come short mean to fall short... to be lacking the glory.... to fail to reach or measure up to a standard. It also means to fail to achieve certain level that was expected or hoped for..... It is to cause disappointment. Before the fall man was achieving greatly, Adam was able to name all the animals and whatever name he gave them was what they bear.... They where having uninte...