

AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational FREE INDEED MEMORY VERSE - “If the son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed” John 8: 36. Great deliverance the heavenly Father has wrought in our life when He sent His Son to be made sin thereby justifying us and made us free from every form of bondage, from fear, insecurity, satanic manipulations and control. He set us free from failure, free from setbacks, from bareness, from stagnation, from lack and want, total freedom he gave to us, we are free indeed. On the cross Christ declared, “IT IS FINISHED.” O Yes! Indeed, it was finished over two thousand years ago; the case was settled, the stamped, sealed and delivered forever. For He has paid the price for our total liberation in full when He was tortured, reproached, nailed to the cross, died and was buried.  When He was nailed to the cross our old man of anguish and pains, of fear and torment, of frustration and all manner of negativity was nailed in Him and with Him; and now as He...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational FORGETTING THE THINGS THAT ARE BEHIND   MEMORY VERSE -  Forgetting those things which are behind so you can reach forward to those things which are ahead (Phil. 3:13) Sometimes it is so difficult to forget those things that are behind because of its significance or the impact it has made in our life. Thus, it comes up in our memory every now and then, it may be a pleasant one or a painful one as a result we face the challenge of facing this scripture of "forgetting the things that are behind". Holding on to the past will keep you in one position making you unfruitful in the now and hindering you from embracing the future. It also keeps you in anger, hatred, malicious behavior, forgiveness etc The battle of coming out of the things that a behind is in our mind thus to be freed from it we need to wage war against it in our mind through the unfailing word of God. "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind" Ephesians 4:23. PRAYER Heavenly ...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational THE LORD’S SOVEREIGNTY Memory verse - “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” Psalm 127:1,2. In the passage above we can see the futility of self-reliance and the foolishness of self-sufficiency. It proves that no one can achieve anything meaningful and lasting by its own power.  This brings to mind the scripture that says, “It is the Lord your God that gives you power to get wealth” Deuteronomy 8:18:  Indeed, our sufficiency is of God for it is Him that gives us the grace and the will to do according to His good pleasure.  We all have great visions, awesome dreams, and out of this world goals, and one might have the human energy and the expertise, or the skill and plans to reach them but none can achieve anything outside God's power and grace, except the Lord helps you in achieving that vision, goal or dreams; your efforts will be fr...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational DO NOT BE AFRAID  Memory Verse - "Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! I will help you, says the Lord; your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel." Isaiah 41:14 Many are times when we are faced with life astonishing situation which makes us to give in to fear, and the moment we give in to fear, then doubt begins to creep in thus bringing us to the point of wondering if God truly cares about us. We must know that God cares about every detail of our lives; therefore, we not have to fear anything that life throws our way. Rather we should trust God to take care of things for you. Assuredly, there are enemies of our joy that strive against us day and night, people who seek our ruin, powers that wants to frustrate us and put us out of life but God encourages us to trust in him, with an assurance that He will be an enemy to our enemies, He will fight for us and make us victorious over them, thus He will bring about a glorious change in our life af...


AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   BE COURAGEOUS Memory verse - “This is my command--be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 What is courage? - Courage is Bravery, it is Fearlessness, it is Boldness and it is the strength to speak and act without fear when we are in difficult and dangerous situations . To have courage is to be confident and even willing to suffer for what we believe. Jesus said, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 ESV).*  To take heart is to be courageous; it is telling us to be strengthened in our hearts no matter the challenges that may arise. Therefore, in times of adversity one must be courageous in order conquer.    A courageous person is a fearless person, and full of faith. A courageous person does not see impossibilities but believes all ...


AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational  GUIDE YOUR HEART Memory verse - “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23). The Word of God admonished us to put a guide over our hearts, this is because of its impotency in the affairs of our life.  No one guides worthless things; they put a strict guide on things that are treasured, cherished, precious and valuable. We are to guide our hearts because it is extremely valuable, it is priceless, and treasured.  Our heart is the center of all that pertains to our destiny and purpose. It is the essence of who we are. It is our true self—the central of our being. It is where all your dreams, desires, and passions live, thus we must guide it with discretion.  It is good to acquire knowledge, get experience, and be equipped with skills; however, the most important tool you have is your heart, as a result, you must guide it diligently from being polluted. For when your heart is full of junks, your whol...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational BE STRONG IN THE LORD Paul admonishing the Ephesus church said, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might”. Ephesians 6:10 . And this word is still very much applicable to us today as we all need to be strengthened in the Lord so as to overcome all that we need to overcome in the race of life.   Be strong in the Lord is saying be courageous in the Lord, be strengthened in your inner man, do not allow anything to cast down your spirit. You must Trust in the Lord, depend wholly on Him and He will guide you through life God has promised to be our refuge and to be there for us till the end of time, therefore we are not to be afraid, no matter the circumstances but are to trust in the power of His grace that is able to carry us through. We are not strong in our own self but our weak point is anchored on the grace of God. Thus, the unlimited power of grace is the source of our strength, as a result, “We can do all things through...