

AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   NEVER STOP TRYING 1 Corinthians 9:24 admonished us. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" Achievers are not those who never fall but are those who fall but refused to remain on the floor. They are those who failed over and over again but never stop trying. Never stop believing in your dreams even though you can’t see it manifesting now; for faith is when you stop believing in what you can see and start believing in what you cannot see. Faith is seeing beyond the ordinary and seeing the impossible made possible   PRAYER  Thank you, Most Holy God, for believing in me and entrusting great dreams to me. This day I ask for the grace to keep my faith and dreams alive, give me the power to keep trying and never give up in Jesus’ name, Amen    BIBLE VERSES Isaiah 41:10 Joshua 1:9 1 Corinthians 9:24 Philippians 4:13


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational MADE OF GOD's SEED MEMORY VERSE: - 1 John 3:9    " Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in Him......"  Every seed must produce after its own kind. When the seed produces, and what it produced, is not anything different from what it is.   We are God's children because of his seed in us and God is a glorious God therefore as His children, we are not without glory for " A s he is in heaven so are we in this world " (1John 4:17).  Because We are made of God’s seed thus, we have his divine nature implanted in us. Peter said, "We are partakers of his divine nature" 2 Peter 1:4. This divine nature in us is undefiled and indestructible. As a result, the incorruptible seed within us cannot produce a life that is corrupt and evil but that of glory, honor and praise.   PRAYER Thank you, Lord, for your seed that is implanted in me; today I declare that I am unstoppable, I am victorious on every side in


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational NOT FORSAKEN  MEMORY VERSE: - Hebrews 13:5B Paul said, For He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” Sometimes when one is going through challenges, it seems as though you are forsaken by God.  But God does not and can never forsake his own, there is always a time of remembrance, a period when the Lord looks upon you with favour and begin to bring into your life His uncommon blessings.....   PRAYER Thank you father God for your ever presence, Thank you for always being with me and protecting me from all dangers. And this day I pray that you cause an uncommon Favor, uncommon breakthrough to come my way. Keep us safe and secured from all harms in Jesus name; Amen.   BIBLE READING Psalm 9:10; John 14:18; Romans 11:2; 2 Corinthians 4:9.


AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational MANIFEST THE GLORY MEMORY VERSE: - Romans 8:19   “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” You were recreated in Christ to reign in life and manifest the glories of the Kingdom of God in the earth; that's Christianity. You can only manifest for the world to see when you are visibly experiencing the Blessings of Jesus. Christianity is in power not in too many talks.... Its in exhibiting the realities of heaven here on earth. Until the Christian begin to manifest the kingdom life, the power and the glory of God here in the earth, they will live like mere men.   PRAYER Today Lord, Cause Me To Manifest Your Glory   DAILY   BIBLE VERSES : Exodus 13:21 Exodus 14:19 John 2:11