
Showing posts from June, 2021


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   FREE INDEED MEMORY VERSE: - John 8: 36 “If the son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed” Great deliverance the heavenly Father has wrought in our life when He sent His Son to be made sin for us; thereby justifying us and making us free from every form of bondage. He freed us from fear, insecurity, satanic manipulations and control. He freed us from failure, setbacks, bareness, stagnation, lack and want. He gave us total freedom in every area of life.  On the cross Christ declared, “IT IS FINISHED.” O Yes! Indeed, it was finished over two thousand years ago; the case was settled, stamped, sealed and delivered forever. For He has paid the price for our total liberation in full when He was tortured, reproached, nailed to the cross, died and buried.  When He was nailed to the cross our old man of anguish and pains, of fear and torment, of frustration and all manner of negativity was nailed in Him and now as He is rais...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational DON'T QUIT TRYING MEMORY VERSE: - 2 Chronicles 15:7 “ But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.” Have you ever been disappointed when things did not go as planned? Have you been discouraged to the point of giving up all hopes? Have you ever felt that you should simply quit trying?  Oh, there have been many times when I tried to quit but then again, I always encourage myself in the Lord and keep praying and keep moving and then, I will always be grateful to God for not quitting. Yes, we all have great dreams and awesome goals set up to achieve them: but sometimes things get awkward and at that season, it always seems there is no way out and no solution to it all, at that stage in life, discouragement sets in and if care is not taken one could do something very silly and senseless.  However, in any situation we may find ourselves, quitting is not an option. Those who quit never get to see the glory...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational GOD'S ENDURING MERCIES MEMORY VERSE: - Exodus 34: 6, 7 “And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands......" God's mercies come to us as a result of His eternal love and it endure forever. It flows from one generation unto another. God's mercies never cease nor runs dry. God’s mercies are not like the weather that changes, for it does not change with the seasons. God's mercies do not depend on you or on anything you may do. His mercies are so great and His love so free that it is truly infinite and everlasting. Through God's everlasting mercies, we drink from His well of goodness. Thus, in Psalm 100:5 the Psalmist declared, “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations" This Psalm, has reminded us again of God's goodness and eternal lo...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational CHRIST IN YOU   MEMORY VERSE - Colossians 1:27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. It is true that Christ ascended to heaven to the father, it is absolutely true that He is at the father's right hand, but Christ is not only in heavens, neither is He only in the atmosphere, but Christ is in you. Yes Christ lives within every believer, He has made their body His home. In 1Corinthians 3:16 Paul tells us again, Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?  Now if Christ Spirit lives in you, do you think He is there doing nothing? Or is He there to cause you harm, pains, shame, affliction, poverty and sorrows?  Beloved Christ in you is not the hope of evil but that of glory. His presence in any life brings orderliness and glory. His presence in any case or challenges brings solution, His presence t...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational THOSE WHO HUNGER & THIRST MEMORY VERSE - Matthew 5:6   “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be satisfied” In our text, Jesus brings us the importance of desperate longing, and strong desire for greater heights in spiritual things... He said it is to. "hunger and thirst" There is need for desperation and strong desire if we want to attain certain levels in life. Success is not an accidental thing but intentional. Therefore, those who recognizes their needs for spiritual and physical help, those who know they are empty and longs to be filled; they shall be filled, their desires shall be met. The scripture in Psalm 107:9 says, "For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things."   We must have that inner restlessness, that soul irritation when things are not going as they should, a longing for more in our career, in our finances, in our business etc. We can never b...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational COMPLETE IN HIM MEMORY VERSE - Colossians 2:10 “And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power” The word, “complete” means to be perfect, to be full, and in need of nothing. God’s word declares to us that those who are in Christ are complete in Him. Now, if the word says we are complete; then no doubt about it.... we are absolutely complete in the Son.  Hear me, God is not about to or proposing to make you and I complete; we are already complete in Christ. From the beginning when Christ came to dwell in our hearts, He brought in His fullness into us, thereby making us complete in Him. When something is complete, it then means nothing is lacking and nothing needs to be added to it. For the scripture says, “I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it:" Ecclesiastes 3:14.  Does the challenges life throws at us makes us incomplete? Not at all. Our comp...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   GOD OF ALL POSSIBILITIES MEMORY VERSE: - Mark 10:27 - “And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men [it is] impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.." By God's power, a virgin, became pregnant and gave birth to the Son of God (Lk 1:26-37; 2: 6,7). By God's power, the deads were brought back to life (Lk 7:11-17; 8:40-56; Jn 11:43, 44) . Truly, There is nothing impossible or too heard for God to do. He is the God of all possibilities. It's a pity, that some people do not see Him this way. Hence, when they are faced with some certain challenges, they tend to think that it's too big or too difficult for God to do. Well; that's a wrong view of God, because all things are possible unto Him. When Sarah was facing an age long barrenness of so many years and with her already in her menopause, conceiving and bearing a child at 90 looked impossible at that age. And God asked Sarah', "Is anything too har...
  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational EVIDENCE OF HIS GRACE MEMORY VERSE: - Acts 11:23 “When he arrived and saw evidence of God’s grace, he was overjoyed and encouraged everyone to remain fully committed to the Lord." CEB Over the years Christianity has been viewed and believed by some as something that offers only troubles, hard times, poverty, struggles, unfruitfulness, failure to mention but few. Many lived in religion and wrong mindset, hence they never get to know the reality of God's grace in their lives. Our text tells us that when Bananas got to Antioch He saw " Evidence of God’s grace" in the work of the Ministry there. That is to say, he saw proofs, manifestations, the reality of God's grace.  Listen, Grace produces awesome results, wonderful things in a life that he resides in. Evidence are facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true. So evidence of God's grace are facts and proofs that God truly exist and cares for his people. Th...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational THE APPLE OF HIS EYES MEMORY VERSE: - Deuteronomy 32:10 - “He found him in a desert land, and in the howling waste of the wilderness; he encircled him, he cared for him, he kept him as the apple of his eye. “The apple of my eye.” It’s a phrase that expresses particular affection. God uses it to describe just how special His people were to Him. To be the apple of God's eye is to be the center of his attention, it shows that His love, care and protection is focused on us. When someone loves you, he or she goes all the way to do something for you, they put in every measure to make sure that you are happy. So, God so loved us in that He is doing everything to see that we are happy in this life.  Remember that He loved us while we were still in our sin, and sent His Son to die for us, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8. If He could love and care for us then, how much more ...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational THE UNCHANGABLE GOD MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 102:27 “But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.” God does not have mood swings. God never changes. In fact, it is impossible for God to change. The Psalmist tells us that stability is found in the unchangeable God. Stability is not found in anything or anyone, or anywhere else than in God alone. Similarly, James 1:17 tells us, "Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven's lights. Unlike them, He never changes or casts shifting shadows" Surely, everything in life changes, time changes, people change, weather change, nations change; but Jahovah God is unchangeable. He is eternal and age to age, generation to generation He remains the same. He is the same at all times. God also does not compromise or change His values. Life and its uncertainties may come and shake you, but God; the unchangeable one, the rock of ages does not move. As God cannot change...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational MOVE FORWARD MEMORY VERSE: - Deuteronomy 1:6, 7 “You have dwell in this mountain long enough. Turn and take your journey.” So many people have stayed in one place for a very long time due to their inability to handle the challenges that came their way well. Year after year it is still same old story, and the worst part of it is that they are not doing anything to come out of it.  At a point in the journey of the people of Israel to the promise land, when they got to Horeb they relaxed, and stayed there for a long period than expected. Horeb became a comfort zone for them and they were settling there until the Lord had to call them up. "You have dwelt long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your journey……” You may have been hurt, disappointed, wounded and now the pain won't go away. You can't seem to get over it, beloved, it is time to move on with your life. You have mourned over that issue for too long, God wants you to move on, turn ar...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   BORN TO WIN MEMORY VERSE - John 16:33   These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. Who told you that the journey of life was going to be easy, who told you there wasn't going to be any challenges and battles to fight? But we have this assurance from Jesus that we are overcomers of them all because He has already overcomed the world for us. In Christ, you are a born winner.... Winning is inherent in you, not just spiritually but financially, professionally, relationally, health wise and in every area of your life. Do not allow the things happening around you to tell you otherwise. Actually, those things are there for you to manifest the winning attributes in you. So, you must rise up to the challenge and take charge. Jesus said, “I have overcome the world ” He is not about to overcome but has overcomed over two thousand years a...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational     THE IMAGE OF GOD  MEMORY VERSE - “Let us make mankind in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion…... And so God created man in His image; in the image of God created He him, male and female created He them” (Genesis 1: 26, 27).  What is this image of God in the human nature? Is it in the physical structure, Is it in the colour of our skin or could it be found in the size of our body,? Not at all. The image of God in humanity is the traits of God, His qualities, His characteristics, His attributes, and His nature. It is the essentials of God imparted in humans. It is God’s kind of life, the ZOE life, His DNA in the human nature. You're more than who you see in the mirror. Your body is a structure, a container, a vessel that houses the spiritman bearing the image of God. What makes you exist is the spirit in you. Your real personality is the spirit in you, and that is the man or woman of the image of God. Whi...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational DESTINED TO WIN MEMORY VERSE - Ephesians 1:11 “Through our union with Christ, we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart” Some may not agree with me that they have a destiny: how much more to win. Some may say, others maybe destined to win but not me.... Elizabeth! If you know what am going through, you will understand that I have a terrible and horrible destiny that seriously needs to be changed.  And many pray and fast for God to change their destiny. And now, we even sing it as a form of worship in the church, asking God to come and change our destiny today. Thus, they make it seem as though, God gives bad things, some even think it was the devil that gave them the destiny they have.   Beloved, you must understand that the devil didn't create you, he had no part in your formatio...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   FULLNESS OF JOY MEMORY VERSE: - JOHN 16:24 - Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name. Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. Having Christ in our lives is the best thing that could ever happen to us, because that is the beginning of greater things in life. Consequently, there's joy in our hearts as a result of the gift of salvation that we received. But then again, that isn’t the whole package. Our joy is not come to balance if in Christ things are awkward.  When things are going in the opposite direction, when everything around us are crumbling, when business is bankrupt, finance is in zero level, marriage is in its terrible state, and sound health is lacking, in such status of life, you have heaviness of heart, you find yourself in a state of confusion, pains, sorrows, murmuring etc. Thus, you have incomplete Joy. Child of God, understand that your Heavenly Father wants you to have the good things of life, He wants you t...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   RELATIONSHIP VS RELIGION MEMORY VERSE: - Psalm 103:7 “He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel. Many are trapped in the web of religion instead of being overshadowed in the glory of relationship and fellowship.  Religion kills but relationship gives meaning to life. God is seeking a relationship with you not religion. For the scripture says, “But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him” JOHN 4:23. Until you break out of religion, you cannot break into fellowship. It is only in the place of relationship and fellowship that you can come to have the knowledge of who God truly is. Our text says “He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.” This happened because Moses was a man who spend quality time with God, he was a man of relationship and fellowship.  So, while the others...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational GOD DOES ONLY WONDROUS THINGS MEMORY VERSE - “Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. . Psalms 72:18. Look at how the Psalmist attributes God to One who ONLY does wonderrous things. This was because he knew his God so well. No matter the challenges that might be before him, he wasn't shaken because he knew his God will certainly intervene and come through for him.  It’s a shame that today, many who are in Christ do not believe that God does wonderous things, as a result, when they are faced with challenges, they go to the wrong places. Some even see God as the one who only brings situations and troubles to them. Thus, they believe every negative things that happens to them is from God.  As a result, they do not Trust God to intervene in their situation,, they don't believe he can move mightily on their behalf. They don't see God as one who can disarm their enemies. In fact when they see notable miracles h...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE MEMORY VERSE: Genesis 12:1 “Then the LORD said to Abram, “Leave your country, your kindred, and your father’s household, and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing George Sheehan wrote, “Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believed you were meant to be” A lot of people have great dreams but do not take the steps that would make it a reality rather they stay in their comfort zone wishing for things to happen. Wishes do not add anything to your vision; you must step out and do something with it.  No one achieves destiny staying in a comfort zone, until you take a bold step and step out of it and take the risk of doing something uncommon, you may never experience a new lease of life. There is always this comfort zone of your mind that tells you _ “You c...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   NO WEAPON SHALL PROSPER   MEMORY VERSE: Isaiah 54:17 - “No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in condemnation you shall pass judgment upon. This is the inheritance of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of Me, says the LORD. In Christ Jesus we have all round God’s divine protection therefore no matter how much the enemy tries to pull us down or to bring destruction into our lives, we know he will never succeed nor overpower us because God is with us and for us: and if God be for us, none can be against us. We have this assurance of promised in Christ in the book of Luke 10:19 that he has given us power to overcome all the powers of the enemy and that nothing shall be any means hurt us . In order word the enemies will try to harm us but they will always fail. Therefore, no matter how much missiles, spell and attacks they throw at us, it will not prosper neither can ...


AbayeLiz Daily Inspirationa l EYES HAS NOT SEEN MEMORY VERSE - But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 It is so amazing to know that God has prepared wonderful things for us [his children]! Oh yes, He has great things in store for us because He loves us and wants us to live a beautiful life in this world.   _And that which our heavenly Father has prepared us, no human mind can fathom it neither can they ever imagine it.  And since they can’t imagine it, they cannot stop you from having them in your life.  What God has in store for you and I is concealed in Him only and He only reveals those things that he wants you to know by His Spirit so as to bring them to manifestation in your life at the appointed time; isn’t He an awesome God? Yes, He is. Since God has reserved great things for us, therefore, do not settle for the less, content for...


AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   BEING THANKFUL  Memory verse - And be thankful (appreciative ), giving praise to God always. Colossians 3:15 last part AMP . Paul admonished us to give thanks always, whether things are going well with us or there are challenges all around, we must give thanks to our heavenly Father.  We know it is difficult to appreciate God and give Him thanks when things are not going well with us, because the image of our circumstances floods our hearts; but the praises you give God in times of challenge proves your love for him. It is so much easier to reduce the heaviness in our heart when we appreciate and are thankful to God. The praises you give to God in times of trials, touches his heart in a special way. Thus you prove his sovereignty over your life. Thanksgiving is a weapon; as it brings down the hand of God against your enemies. Secondly, it confuses and frustrates them.   PRAYER   Holy Father, I am so grateful for your love, than...


  _AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational_  A GOOD SOILDIER Memory verse - No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. 2 Timothy 2:4 To entangle is to be ensnared or entrapped. It is to be bound with the enemy in their evil schemes. Anyone who entangles himself or herself is not fit for the battle field. Life is full of challenges and if you are entangling yourself with abominable things of this corrupt world, then you are not good to go because you will be wounded in the battle field. Truly a lot has been wounded in the field, many have been taken out of this world due to entanglement. A soldier who is entrapped can be wounded or killed in the battle field. We are in continuous battle with the devil and his agents, and for us to be victorious, we must live the right kingdom life.  It is true that the Lord is our righteousness and he has given us imputed righteousness however, we must walk in rig...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT MEMORY VERSE -   “Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses” 2 Timothy 4:7. Certainly, there is a fight to fight in order for one to take hold of his or her destiny and it is the fight of faith, that place of prayers and the Word where you declare what the Word says concerning you, taking your place in that which Christ has done for you. The Devil is the enemy of our destiny; he will do and is doing everything within his power to rob us of our destiny.  So, for us to walk or live in our destiny, we must put up a fight, we must resist him, wherefore the scripture says, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7. To resist is to fight, to oppose, to refrain, to refuse and to withstand. We must overcome the wicked one’s evil plots through prayer of faith...


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS MEMORY VERSE - ‎  And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it." (John 14:13,14) Severally the scripture tells us about the power and authority in the name of Jesus. Similarly, Jesus has given believers the right or authority to use his name and He has promised wonderful results when we do. The name of Jesus is credit worthy any day, any time, any season and in every generation. It is a name that is full of power and grace; it has an inherent ability to do great things for those who put their trust in Him. Surely, those who put their trust in the name of the Lord are never put to shame nor disappointed; for the name always acts and produces results whenever they use it. The name of Jesus Christ is not a magic word. The power is not even in saying words, but in understanding and believing all that the name signifies and stands f...