AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational FREE INDEED MEMORY VERSE: - John 8: 36 “If the son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed” Great deliverance the heavenly Father has wrought in our life when He sent His Son to be made sin for us; thereby justifying us and making us free from every form of bondage. He freed us from fear, insecurity, satanic manipulations and control. He freed us from failure, setbacks, bareness, stagnation, lack and want. He gave us total freedom in every area of life. On the cross Christ declared, “IT IS FINISHED.” O Yes! Indeed, it was finished over two thousand years ago; the case was settled, stamped, sealed and delivered forever. For He has paid the price for our total liberation in full when He was tortured, reproached, nailed to the cross, died and buried. When He was nailed to the cross our old man of anguish and pains, of fear and torment, of frustration and all manner of negativity was nailed in Him and now as He is rais...