AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational
MEMORY VERSE: - Romans 14:23 “But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.”
They are many believers who do a lot of religious things, such as fasting, praying, confession of the word, but not with faith. Such are believers who lives and operate in the place of "form". Paul addresses such as, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” 2 Timothy 3:5.
Yes! They have the 'form' by religiously doing things because they feel they are obliged to do so, but in the real sense, they do not believe nor agree with the system. As a result, they live and function in unbelief. We are in the Kingdom where faith rules, anything done outside of faith displeases the Father, (Hebrews 11:6).
Now! What is the felony of unbelief? It is when you doubt the promise of God, it is when you mistrust God’s power, and it is limiting God to a particular level. It is to doubt God’s grace; and to doubt His ability.
In our main text, Paul tells us that “Everything that does not come from faith is sin” in the essence, when you function in unbelief, in the sight of the Father in Heaven, you are practically living in sin. So, sin is not only in immorality, lying, cheating, etc. but also in faithlessness.
When you are living in doubt of God’s ability to do great things in your life, when you are seeing situation as something too difficult for your God, it's sin and we know that no sinner is fit for the kingdom, neither can they receive from God the blessings He has in store for them.
Therefore, you must believe in your God no matter how hopeless the situation may seem. You must see His greatness, His awesomeness and His mightiness and trust Him with every fiber of your being.
Thank you, father for your word that directs our paths. I wake up from the slumber of doubt and break loose from the hold of the felony of unbelief. From this day onward, I chose to belief you for everything and every detail of my life in Jesus’ name, Amen
Mark 9:23 - 25; John 3:18; John 20:27 – 29; Hebrews 3:19; Hebrews 4:11
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