AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational
MEMORY VERSE: - Genesis 5:1 - "After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward."
The meaning for the word “shield” in this passage is "protector, defender, guardian, and upholder." Thus God is saying; you don’t have to fear the attackers for none of them can harm you because He's with you, He will protect you, defend you, guard you, uphold you with His righteous right hand and will fight for you.
Furthermore, God said, “I am thy exceeding great reward.” The word exceeding hear means beyond, above, surpassing, greater. In order word, God exceeds all that you can ever desire, He is beyond your needs, He is far above anything the world can offer; therefore, He will give you far beyond your imagination, for He is the reward Himself.
Truly, God rewards everyone, he rewards us according as our work is. For everything that we do in life, whether good or bad there are rewards. There is no greater Joy than to trust and to look up to the one who alone is our reward. "Our sufficiency is from God" declares Paul in 2 Corinthians 3:5. He is our all in all.
Today, the Lord is telling you like He told Abraham that he is your shield and your exceeding great reward. Therefore, because you are in Him who is the 'over and above great reward' in your life, you have nothing to fear because His worth is greatness beyond measure.
Wherefore, God told Abraham, "Fear not” and this day the Lord is telling you do not be afraid to take bold steps, don’t be afraid to confront those difficult situations, do not be afraid to do the unusual things for it is in those places He makes His worth known.
My great reward, my sufficiency, my all in all I worship you. I thank you for your unconditional love and I position myself for good reward in Jesus name, Amen.
Numbers 18:31; Ruth 2:12; Psalms 54:5; Proverbs 11:18
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