MEMORY VERSE: - Hebrews 12:15 - "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled."
Our text says root of bitterness brings about defilement and we know that whoever that is defiled cannot stand before the presence of Jahovah God. You can see how dangerous it is to allow it to lay hold on you, it will dent your relationship with God and cause a separation from him.
Certainly, for us to lead a true Christian life, we must put a watch over our hearts against root of bitterness. This is why the scripture in Proverbs 4:23 says we should guard our hearts, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." To guard here is to watch, to keep in check, to be vigilant, to be alert, and to be careful.
Wherefore, because of the importance of our heart's role in our life, we must with all carefulness keep a watch over it. We are to put it as high priority... "ABOVE ALL ELSE". That is, beyond everything in life, you must consider what you let into your heart.
Be careful of giving room to bitterness to gain ground and spread it's root in your heart. Because when you give it a little chance, it will take over and spread everywhere and ruin you. Therefore, watch out for that anger that it may not lead to rage and to many other evil, take charge over it and master it. You have the power of Dominion, so dominate anger, subdue it, and it will submit to you.
Thank you Holy Father for the spirit of grace in me. By the power of your grace in me, I subdue everything that will want to dent my relationship with you in Jesus name, Amen
Matthew 18:21-35; Ephesians 4:27, 32; James 3:14.
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