MEMORY VERSE: - 2 Corinthians 5:15 - "He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves....."
Christ died, not for himself, not because he felt like playing with death to see what it feels like to die. He died that we might live the right kind of life as ordained by the heavenly Father before the foundation of the world.
Yes, He who was with the father in all his glory in heaven, left all that glory to become a man of no reputation, and emptied himself for you and I so that we might have all that is ours in God the father. He became a man of sorrows and grief, that we might have fullness of joy.
He was a man that suffered rejection that we might be accepted in life. O' the scripture had this to say of Him, "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. Like one from whom men hide their faces, He was despised, and we esteemed Him not." Isaiah 53:3. Now, notice that He was despised, was repeatedly mentioned in this verse, this is so that without doubt, you may know that in Christ, you have more than just one time blessing but double. In Him you have a great life of praise, glory and double honour.
Wherefore the scripture in Isaiah 61:7 says, "Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, And instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, Everlasting joy will be theirs."
Child of God, know it this day that Jesus came down from heaven and went to the lower part of the earth that you might not live a low life but be raised to a life of abundance. Hence in John 10:10 he said, "I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."
Moreover, He was made to be sin and condemned for our sake, so that we might be justified. The ones who ought to be condemned is declared NOT GUILTY. Don't allow his sacrifice to be a waste in your life, reconcile with your maker today.
Thank you Holy Father for giving us your Son. Thank you for all that you made Him to be for our sake. Lord Jesus, take your place in me, Amen!
Romans 14:7-9; 1 John 4:9; 1 Peter 4:2-4; Titus 2:14.
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