MEMORY VERSE: - Mark 13:33 - "Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time will come.”
Many due to insensitivity to the moment of their visitation time and their season of manifestation have missed their desired blessings. Our text says we should "Take heed" secondly, we should "Be alert". Now, to take heed in this verse is to be cautious, it is to look out, and to watch out; while to be alert is to be vigilant, to be attentive, to be ready, and to be observant. What is the reason why we have to be cautious and be alert? So we will not miss our appointed time because we do not know what time it will come.
It is good to pray but it's also of uttermost important to be prepared to receive the answer to your request. If you are not being watchful and ready; it will pass you by. Oftentimes, the answer to our prayers comes at an unexpected hour, from an unexpected source, and in a package we do not expect. This is why we must be vigilant so that we do not miss it.
In Matthew 24:50 Jesus says, “The master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know”. Truly at the time you least expect the Lord comes with the answer to your request, so be ready for it, be sensitive to recognize it when it comes and be humble enough to grab it when it comes in the package that you don't expect or when it comes through the angle different from the one you wanted it to come from.
A lot of people have remained in the waiting room because they were insensitive to their moment of visitation. Many have continued to dwell in the place of asking in prayer and year in year out they remain there….. And because of their insensitivity, they missed it then, things around them will seem as though God does not care about them and does not want to answer their prayers. However, it is not that God is not responding to their prayers: the truth is that they are insensitive and do not recognize their times of visitation.
Holy Father, I thank you for your love and mercies towards me. Help me Lord to recognize my season of visitation in Yeshua's name, Amen!
Genesis 18:1-15; Judges 6:11-24; 1 Samuel 2:21; Luke 1:26-38
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