MEMORY VERSE: - Exodus 15:26 - “I am the LORD that healeth thee.”
What is divine healing? 1. Divine healing is a healing attributed to the direct agency of God in response to faith. 2. It is that which occurs when God heals people through the power of the Holy Spirit. 3. It is the restoring of health through the intervention of God.
True and perfect healing for God's children is that which comes from God. God wants his children to have good health, and he has made provision through the sacrifice of Jesus for their healing. Peter in 1 Peter 2:24 said, "…by whose stripes ye were healed.” Oh, Yes! By the punishment of humans iniquity that was put on Jesus, He purchased our healing forever.
Now, Just because Jesus paid for our healing, doesn’t mean you will automatically manifest the benefits. In order to enjoy it, you need to declare into your body and receive what Jesus did for you by faith. For example, we know that Jesus died for the sins of the world, but that doesn’t mean that everyone in the world is saved, because those who did not reach out with faith to receive what Jesus did for them will not be saved.
It is only those who believe with their hearts and confess with their mouths that is saved. (See Romans 10:9-11). John 1:12 says, "As many that received him he gave them power to be children of God" Thus, every believer need to claim the healing Christ has given them. Jesus in Mark 16:18 said, “They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
In this dispensation, it's not only by physical contact of laying hands on the sick that they recover but with many innovations, we can pray for the sick through any means of transmission (TV, radio, phone etc) and they shall recover. So, does God still heals? Yes. Did divine healing end with the apostles? No, it didn't. Divine Healing can reach where Doctors can't, and can do what is beyond human's ability. Because it takes the creator of the body to fix it.
Father Lord I thank you for Jesus strips that has healed me. And now I speak my freedom in Yeshua's name, Amen!
Matthew 4:24; Matthew 12:15; Luke 6:19; Acts 10:38
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