MEMORY VERSE: - Exodus 15:26 - “I am the LORD that healeth thee.”
Religion makes us see God as incapable of healing us and we put our trust in doctors and science, forgetting that God is the creator of our bodies and he knows how to fix it if only we can believe.
Today I want to use the healing of the lame man in Acts 3:1-9 as our case study for divine healing. Certainly, no doctor could have done that which Peter and John did through faith in Jesus name on the lame man by the beautiful gate.
The man was laid daily by the gate to beg arlms. But on that faithful day as Peter and John were going to the Temple to pray, the lame man asked of arlms from them. However, instead of giving him arlms; "Peter told the man to look on them, and he did so, expecting to receive something." But instead, Peter told him that they had no money for him "silver and gold I have none"; but he promised to he would give the man what he did have.
Certainly they had something much more precious than money to give him, they had the anointing that destroys yokes (Isaiah 10:27): and they were going to use it to destroy the yoke of lameness in his life that has locked him out of functioning in destiny and purpose. And so, Peter commanded the man to rise up and walk, in the Name of Jesus. "And taking hold of the lame man's hand, Peter lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ancle bones received strength and he stood up".
This was not done by man but through the power of God. Thus, Peter was able to perform a healing miracle on a man who was lame from birth, and he received healing and praised God. Surely, that God is still same today and he is still healing, still doing wonders in the life of those who trust him completely. Whatever infirmity that you maybe suffering from, the power of the Holy Spirit can heal and make you whole.
And right now, I speak to every sickness, deceases and pains to leave your body now in Jesus name. Just begin to thank the Lord for your healing.
Holy Father, I thank you for your healing power, I receive healing in my body today in Yeshua's name, Amen!
Jeremiah 33:6; Psalm 41:3; James 5:15
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