MEMORY VERSE: - 2 Thessalonians 1:6 - "[It is a fair decision] since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with distress and affliction those who distress and afflict you"
Seeing scriptures like 2 Thessalonians 1:6 gladdens my heart, it encourages me and brings relieve knowing that it is a good thing, a righteous thing, a just thing for our heavenly Father to pay back those who trouble us with trouble.
God is faithful in making sure that you have peace from the troublers of your peace and He is faithful in returning back their evil to them. Assuredly, He will Repay them according to their deeds; and do to them as they have done to you and even give them double.
The Lord wants you to know that He sees your affliction, He knows your pains, He sees your tears and sorrows which comes from the enemies of your peace and He will certainly reward them accordingly.
Child of God, be of good cheer for the Lord your God who is your father and who rules and reigns in your life is mighty. He is Greater than the greatest of this world, higher than the highest and more powerful above all. He hast promised that those household wickedness that has troubled you over the years, he will feed them with their own wicked.
Wherefore He said, "I will force those who trouble you to eat their own flesh. Their own blood will be the wine that makes them drunk. Then everyone will know I, the Lord, am the One who saves you; I am the Powerful One of Jacob who saves you" (Isaiah 49:26). All the evil packages they had prepared for you and your household shall be put upon them.
Certainly, the Lord will intervene for you and you will enter into your peace and rest. He will protect and keep you and your family far from oppressions. In Isaiah 54:14 He declared, "In righteousness you shall be established; You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; And from terror, for it shall not come near you."
Heavenly father, I thank you for your word that is ever true. This day, I pray that you arise against the troublers of my peace and return their evil deeds against me and my household back to them in Jesus name, Amen.
Exodus 23:22; Jeremiah 50:29; Colossians 3:25.
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