MEMORY VERSE: - James 1:22 - “Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only”
It is good to know what God has written about you in His Word, but knowing the truth without applying its principles in your life makes it irrelevant to you. We must put that which we know to work, thus we will experience the blessings that goes with the truth.
It is one thing to know the truth, and another thing to live in the reality of the truth and make the truth relevant to your life. It is good to know but it is much better to apply what you know into your life: for what is the essence of knowing if not to build and make our lives to line up as ordained by God.
It is the doers that are made perfect. Paul made us to understand this in Romans 2:13. “Not the hearers of the law (Word) are just before God, but the doers of the law (Word) are justified”. The truth you know and put to practice will bring about true freedom in your life, it will bring about living the Victorious life and enjoying God's goodness in this life.
In Psalm 27:13 the psalmist declared, "I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living." This is a bold statement of a man who knows the truth about what God has declared concerning him in the Word and he was not afraid to let it out.
Certainly, without action you cannot function in the capacity that God has designed you for. It is in application of the truth that you can enjoy the benefits of salvation. In order word, if you know the truth and do not act on it, you will still be same old person and will not be able to operate in the realm that God has packaged for you.
Moreover, you will still be living the defeated life, fear, unproductivity, stagnation, setbacks, and bondage even though Christ has made you free. God's word is ever true, “He that the son have set free is free indeed” (John 8: 36). You must believe it and live as one that is free.
Therefore, child of God, put to practice the truth that you know, see your life in the light of the truth of the Word and enjoy Christ true blessings in the land of the living.
Thank you father for your word that is ever true. Thank you for the freedom given to me in Christ and from this day, I refuse to live in fear nor defeat but in the power of the truth in Jesus name, Amen.
Psalm 119:105; Isaiah 40:8; Luke 11:28; Hebrews 4:12.
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