MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 85:12 - "Yes, the LORD will give what is good; And our land will yield its increase."
How could and why should a child of God ever think of God of glory, the good God, a loving and caring Father as One who gives what is bad to him or her. It is an error. The reason why such persons are where they are in life, it's as a result of this error. And this error is from the enemy (Satan the devil) of their glory. He knows the power of believing, he knows that what you believe in, is what you will experience in life.
Listen, if you would dare to believe that God gives what is good, oh, how awesome your life will be because goodness will surround you. But if you believe that nothing good comes from God, except bad omen, evil, sickness, lack and want, well, it's a pity, that is what will be happening around you.
But if you are in a situation and you refuse to see the situation rather you fix your eyes of faith on the goodness of the Lord, that situation will bow and flee because of the power of your belief. The psalmist wrote in Psalm 27:13, "I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living" (NASB).
To despair is to have the feeling that there is no hope and that you can do nothing to improve a difficult or worrying situation. It is to be in anguish, in discouragement, misery, pain or sorrow. Wherefore, he said I did not allow despair to find any place in me to express itself because I decided to believe in who God is and what He is capable of doing. And that is, to see His goodness in the land of the living.
Notice that it is not in the realm of the dead but in the land of the living. While he is alive breathing. Many has been deceived that as God's children, they will have to suffer and experience bad things in this life but when they die they will experience good things.... Error!!
O, thank God for those who know their God as the giver of good things in this life and are enjoying His goodness in the land of the living. No wonder the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 23:6 "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever."
Thank you Lord for your goodness that surrounds me, surely your goodness and mercy will dwell with me all the days of my life in Jesus name, Amen.
Psalm 25:10; Psalm 34:8; Psalm 100:5; Psalm 145:9.
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