MEMORY VERSE: - Ephesians 3:20 - “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."
Now, in 2 Timothy 1:6 Paul tells us to stir up the gift of God in us.... "Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands" (KJV). The gift of God in us is the Holy Spirit, He is the anointing and the power of God in us. If you don't stir Him up he will be silent and inactive. But when He is stirred up, you awake the Giant in you.
We were told about the pool of Bethesda how the angel goes to stir it up and as long as the water is stirred up, whoever goes into the pool at that moment will be healed of his or her infirmity. It reads, "for an angel of the Lord went down into the pool at appointed seasons and stirred up the water; the first one to go in after the water was stirred was healed of his disease.]" John 5:4 AMP.
When the water was calm and unstirred anyone can go into it but they would come out the same way they went in, because the healing power of God works with the stirring of the water.
That change you desire to see cannot happen until you do the needful; stir up the power within you. You can't be lazy and sleep all the time waiting for some miracle for your destiny to emerge..... You must make sacrifices to make it happen.
The AMP puts 2 Timothy 1:6 this way, "That is why I remind you to FAN INTO FLAME the gracious gift of God, [that inner fire—the special endowment] which is in you through the laying on of my hands [with those of the elders at your ordination]."
Most of us have used firewood or charcoal, or have seen it being used. What we do to make the fire flame up is to fan it. If you do not put the wood properly together and fan it, it will gradually quenched and become ashes.
Child of God, it's time you fan to flame, stir up, charge the power of God within you. Don't allow the anointing of God in you to waste away, He is waiting for you to put Him to use, make Him to be active in your life.
Holy Father, I thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit given to me. Today, I awake from my slumber and by your grace I begin to stir up this precious gift in me in Jesus name, Amen.
John 5:4; 1 Timothy 4:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:19
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