GUARD AGAINST PERPETUAL SLUMBER 2 MEMORY VERSE: - Matthew 25:5,13 - "While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." As a child of God, you should not allow situations to have upper hand in your life, you must rule over all things that comes your way. Understand that unpleasant things happens to everyone in life which causes slumber but only those who are able to take their stand in Christ, those who stay focus and fully prepared can overcome and eventually see the glory of the Master. The scripture says they all slumber and slept due to the delay of the Master. To slumber is to be wearied or tired. Everyone can but wearied at the time of waiting and the manifestation seemed to be delayed, but not all remain there or allow it to overwhelm them. You must be careful not to allow the moment of slumber to sweep you off your feet. Do not throw in the towel when things are not ye...