AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational


MEMORY VERSE: - Psalm 23:6a - “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…”

God demonstrated His incredible love for us by making His only begotten Son to be a ransom for us. He did it so that we may have the right kind of life that he planned for us before the foundation of the world.

 What kind of life are we talking about? It is the “Good life” (Goodness). The word, ‘surely’ in our memory verse, means ‘certainly’. It means that it’s 100% guaranteed, and that it is undisputable that God’s goodness and mercies will always be with His children. 

When God promises us that goodness and mercies will follow us all the days of our lives, It means that every day, in our entire or whole life that His goodness (Good life, success, prosperity) and mercy (kindness) will continually be found in and around us: this is our eternal portion in Christ. And even when we go through challenges, each challenge is opening doors for greater blessings to come.

What is goodness? Goodness in this verse speaks of _“A life filled with good things, a pleasant life, and a favourable life.”_ It also means to have fortune, riches, abundance, prosperity or wealth. No wonder Jesus said, “But I came so that my sheep will have life and so that they will have everything they need” (John 10:10 GWT).

 He came so that you and I could have everything we need in life, all that we ever need to live a well fulfilled life, all that we need to be comfortable, and all that we need to be happy and satisfied. 

From the beginning when God created humans, He never wanted them to lack anything good, hence before their creation, He planted a garden filled with all they would need to enjoy life, and He also deposited raw materials of precious things and mineral resources for them. So, go and enjoy the good life.

Thank you Lord, for your goodness upon my life and family. We pray that your will continually be found in and around us in Jesus’ name, Amen

Nahum 1:7; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Ephesians 4:32; James 1:17

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