

  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational HE LED CAPTIVITY CAPTIVE MEMORY VERSE: - Ephesians 4:8 - "Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men." By leading captivity captive, he (Christ) has taken away the rights, power, authority and activities of the powers of the wicked that held your soul captive and that manipulates things against you. Now in Christ you are set free from their control. Their right and power to hold you in bondage was taken captive or seized by Jesus over two thousand years ago. Yes! Christ sized that power or right from Satan and his agents, therefore now they don’t have any right whatsoever anymore to control the affairs of your life. Satan can only manipulate things in one's life, when they are ignorant of what Christ has done for them and when they do not know their rights in Christ. Listen, Christ has taken care of the enemy for us, he has gone to war for us, he has disarm them and render impotent eve


AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational I SHOULD LOSE NOTHING MEMORY VERSE: - John 6:39 - "And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day." There have been a lot of wasted years in the life of many due to the enemy stealing what's supposed to come to them. Several times they lose expected job, good business connection, and anything good coming to them. Blessings that are supposed to come suddenly it's diverted.  They experience near success syndrome and disappointment upon disappointment. And when such are consistently happening in their lives, they tag it as God's will.  Now, in our text, Jesus made us to know what the will of God is for us. He said, "The Father's will is that of all which he hath given to you and I, we should lose nothing." Truly, you ought not to lose that which was supposed to give you joy. You ought not to have lost that baby in


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational  THEY SHALL PROCEED NO FURTHER MEMORY VERSE: - 2 Timothy 3:8-9 - "Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was." The enemy may have been doing stuffs in your life before now and they may have succeeded in some way but now it's time to put a stop to it, it's time to let them know that they shall nolonger proceed any further in your life, family, business or career. They have withstood against good things coming to you and now, you can not allow them to continue. You must arise and stop the enemy from proceeding further in your life. The power of God in you must be activated, awake unto prayers and take charge and turn things around in your life. Do not fold your hands and watch the enemy steal your joy, stop them from proceeding further. Apostle Paul i


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational DEALING WITH FAULTY FOUNDATION 2 MEMORY VERSE: - 1Corinthians 3:11 - "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." A lot of people put in so much efforts in life, they work their life out, they go extra mile in order to achieve a goal and at the end they have nothing to show for it. Some are suffering evil family pattern, everyone is experiencing the same thing, in fact it has been from the ancient times and because no one has done or is doing anything about it, it continued. Understand that if you don't deal with faulty foundation, it will deal with you. It will put you in a position you never want to be. It will make you a nobody. You may have all the wisdom, knowledge, skills, ideas etc but you will not go anywhere in life because faulty foundation is resisting you. In Judges 6, We read about Gideon who the Lord instructed to deal with his father's house altars before embarking on the mission he was s


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational DEALING WITH FAULTY FOUNDATION MEMORY VERSE: - Psalm 11:3 - "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" A faulty foundation promotes instabilities in one's life. It makes one or things in his or her life unattractive and unsatisfactory.  A faulty foundation is an error in one's foundation. It occurs when evil pattern is used in the underground of family from their ancestors. While some occurs by personal errors. Most people who comes from idolatry family has a faulty foundation. Some are dedicated to altars, to gods, to demons etc and this foundation of their lives if not dealt with, stands against them and speaks volumes in the life.  And so, is there a chance for the righteous in life if there's a fault in their foundation? Is there a hope for them? The truth is that the righteous can do something about a faulty foundation through the power of God at work in them.  The righteous will throw down the faulty founda


 AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational DANGER OF PRAYERLESSNESS MEMORY VERSE : - Matthew 13:25 - "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way." It is very dangerous for a believer to be lazy in prayers.... It is a spiritual death sentence when one do not pray. When you don't pray, you are letting other forces or people dictate the life you live. And you might not like what they decide. You will not like what they will be putting you through but you may have to put up with it because you didn't pray. Prayer is your ticket to living the kind of life you want. Prayer is your master key to open and unlock every door that you want to go through. One who prays controls the affairs of his or her destiny. One who prays subdues and exercises dominion. One who prays reigns in life. When the enemy wants to get you, the first thing they get is your prayer life. That is, they quench your fire. Understand that as far as your prayer life is intact, y


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational BUILDING UP YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD MEMORY VERSE: - Jeremiah 29:13 - "And you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart." True christian living comes from relationship with God. The more of God you have in you, the more you find it easy to live the kingdom life. His presence in you will help you to not want to do stuffs that will bring separation from Him. So, you need to intentionally develop a deep relationship with God so that His presence can help you to live the overcomers life in this world. 1 Chronicles 16:11 tells us, "Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!"  Seek Him in worship, in prayers, in studying of His Word, and be sure to spend quality time with Him. This is the steps to building a personal relationship with God. Personal relationship with God is not something too hard, it is just like a relationship with anyone else in your life. It is fellowship, it is lo