AbayeLiz Daily Inspirationals


MEMORY VERSE: - Mark 5:36. “As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said unto the ruler of the synagogue, be not afraid, Only Believe”

Jairus was in the midst of great challenge, the news of his daughter's dead was very devastating. “Your daughter is dead. There’s no use troubling the teacher now” (Mark 5:35B). They said to him. Although, he came to seek Christ intervention while there was still life in the child, nevertheless, due to some distractions on the way, Christ didn’t immediately go to heal her, and finally, the child died. 

 Oh, how his spirit must have been broken and all hope lost... How everything must have seemed gloomy and impossible in the eyes of the ordinary man but not in the eyes of Christ who has been with the Father. He who knows what His father was capable of doing, He who knows what the perfect will of the Father was for Jairus and his daughter, as a result, He saw differently. He saw life in the midst of death, all He could see was a living girl not a dead one. Therefore, He said to Jairus, “Be not afraid, only believe”

 Beloved, understand that all things…. Not some things but “all things are possible to he or she that believes.” Wherefore, Luke 1:45 says, “And blessed is she (or he) that believes for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her (or him) form the lord.” (Emphasis mine). 

Hear me, child of God! It doesn’t matter how terrible a situation may look before you, it absolutely does not matter how hopeless things might seem, it has solution in Christ, all you need to do is ‘Just BELIEVE’.

The Jesus in your life is the One who have the power to bring the dead to life, “He is the resurrection and the life” {John 11:25}; He is the One who causes "light to shine out of darkness" {Genesis 1:2} He is the One who has “all powers both in Heaven and on earth” under His control {Matthew 28:18}. 

 Therefore, no matter the kind of unpleasant information you may receive, do not allow it to destabilize you, refuse to be manipulated into fear, rather lay hold on the Word of life and stand firm in faith…. Only Believe.


Jesus, I thank you for your life-giving Spirit in me and with me. This day, I ask that by the power of your Holy Spirit, quicken everything around me that seems dead. O, Lord, cause light to shine in every area of my life and in all things around me in Jesus’ name, Amen



Hebrews 11:1; Isaiah 40:31; Mark 11:24; John 14:1; John 20:31.


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