_AbayeLiz Daily Inspirationals


MEMORY VERSE: - Psalm 34: 8; “O taste and see that the LORD is good; happy are those who take refuge in him.”

In our text today, we are told to have a taste of the Lord and experience His goodness. To “taste” here, is to have experience. While to “see” is to understand, to realize, or to know by experience. So, this is a call to come to the place of encounter in God. It is to experience His graciousness and His power made real in our life. God provides us with protection, guidance, healing and provisions for all our needs. 

Certainly, “The Lord is a sun and a shield, the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless” Psalm 84:11 And so, David, a man who had gone through many challenges and troubles in life and has experienced and discovered the goodness nature of God, invites us to come and do same. It doesn’t matter what you are going through, come to the fountain of life to draw, drink and taste of his graciousness and might. 

By knowledge of God’s Word, we all know that the Lord is good. We read it everywhere in the scripture, and have heard the testimony of others about His goodness; but the Psalmist is saying, you don’t have to live by just knowledge, nor others testimony but to have a personal encounter and experience Him for yourself.

Understand that our challenges are all substance that helps us taste of the goodness of the Lord because through the darkest storm God show forth His great power in our lives. Thus, whatever we go through in life is a process, and the process does not usually make us feel good, it can sometimes be very embarrassing and frustrating but it prepares us for greater heights and power. Certainly, challenges are there to build us, it deepens our depth in Christ, and it prepares us to embrace greater glory. 

 Thus, we are able to taste the worth of God and see His great power at work in us through challenges. You cannot know the flavor of a wine until you taste of it. Therefore, do not get agitated over your challenges for you can only find out the worthiness of God, His greatness and the trueness of His Word through challenges.  


Lord Jesus, I thank you for surrounding me with your goodness and love. Cause me oh, Lord, to experience this goodness in every area of my life in Jesus’ name, Amen


Psalm 119:103; Zechariah 9:17; 1 Peter 2:2-3; Hebrews 6:5; 

 Email: abayelizdaily@gmail.com

 +2347059117072; +2347034962374



  1. The lord protect and those of childlike faith, I was facing death, and saved me!!

  2. For your love for me is very great


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