MEMORY VERSE: - Psalm 46:10 - “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

There are times in life when we are faced with such awkward moments that makes our world spins and our hearts sored in confusion and anxiety creeps in. However, our heavenly Father tells us to be still in the midst of storms because He will help us, and he will save us.

To be still in Psalm 40:10, is to relax, to rest, to be at peace within you in the midst of storms. Oftentimes, this is the last thing anyone will want to do when their world is falling apart and it seems like they have no control of a situation. They will rather choose to worry and be all worked up.

Furthermore, God telling us to 'be still' is saying stay in me, take your refuge in my promises that is ever true, let your heart not be troubled over anything, lean on me, trust me to help you and deliver you from your predicament.

Now, someone might say, how can I be still when all around me are life threatening circumstances? Situations that is beyond my control and when God seems to be silent to my prayers? Beloved, first of all, you must understand that God loves you and wants the best for you. 'He is your refuge and a very present help in trouble' (See Ps 46:1).

Secondly, I need you to know that God is not silent to your prayers but has actually done that which you asked but you have to stay in the place of stillness so that you can see the glory of the answered prayer. 

When you are being anxious, you are unstable, you are in the place of doubt and fear, and double mindedness and you can't experience results in such state. The place of stillness is that arena of faith that brings about the manifestation of your request. 

Jesus once said to Martha, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” (John 11:40). Child of God, no matter what you are seeing around you, pray about it and stay at peace, stay in faith, do not be anxious over anything and trust in the faithfulness of God.

Thank you my Lord and my God for your peace. I therefore, refuse to be worried over anything because I know you are taking care of everything in Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 100:3; Zechariah 2:13; Romans 14:11.

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