

  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational  HEARTFELT PRAYER OF THE RIGHTEOUS MEMORY VERSE: - James 5:16 - “.... The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." It is not enough to pray but to pray properly. To pray and get the answers that one desires, to receive solution to your situation. So, we shall be looking at 3 points from our text: 1. HEARTFELT PRAYER. 2. PERSISTENT PRAYER.  3. RIGHTEOUS MAN PRAYER. Today we are dealing with "HEARTFELT PRAYER." James in this passage brings us the understanding that prayer is not mechanical but a heartfelt thing. It is something you do because you are certain it will produce the desired results.  It's a pity that many are praying but their heart is not connected to their prayers. They say something with their mouth while in their heart they are doubting God's ability. They do not have trust in their prayers neither do they believe that God has all it takes to bring about tremendous changes in their lives. The heartf


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational CONTEND FOR YOUR DESTINY  MEMORY VERSE: - 1 Timothy 6:12 - “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called......" Destiny is not just strolled into, it's something of great importance that the enemy would not want you to take possession of it and reign in life, hence, one must contend vehemently to grasp it. It's a pity that a lot of people do not see the reason why they have to stand up and contend for their destiny until it shines forth and becomes a reality in their lives. Jesus who came from heaven, who has been at the bosom of father.... The one that is the expression of God had to fight in order to achieve destiny on earth. He had to deal with forces from the spiritual realm.... He knew he couldn't function rightly without dealing with things that would have stood against Him and so He went into prayers.... He separated himself for 40 days and 40 nights. One would have expected him to not do


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational FRESH START  MEMORY VERSE: - 2 Corinthians 5:17 - “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new." Many people are stuck in their old that it makes them find it so hard to embrace something new. You can't get into the new when you are tied up around the old. The scripture in Isaiah 43:18 says, "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old." It doesn't matter what has happened to you in life moving forward cannot happen if you're are dwelling in the past. You need to let go and move on. So, stop dwelling on past events and brooding over times gone by. Moving forward often has a lot to do with your mindset.  Therefore, give no more thought to the things which are past; let them go, yes! flush them out of your mind and make room for fresh start. Again, the Lord Jesus said, "No one puts new wine into old wineskins: otherwise, th


AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational DON'T LET YOUR HEAD LACK OIL MEMORY VERSE: - Ecclesiastes 9:8 - "Let your clothes be white all the time, and let not oil be lacking on your head" These things mentioned in our text aren't talking about physical clothes or physical oil but of spiritual worth. 'Clothes white' symbolise purity.... While 'Oil on the head' symbolizes anointing. So, the scripture is telling us to keep ourselves pure at all times and to continuously have inflow of God's anointing on our head.... We must never let it run dry. This can only be achieved in the place of unbroken fellowship with the Holy Spirit who anoints us on daily basis. The more time you spend in the presence, the more fresh oil (anointing) will be on your head and the more holy you will become. You do not struggle to be holy when you are so filled with God's presence. Living holy life becomes more easy and interesting because his grace carries you through life journey.


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   HIDDEN WITH CHRIST IN GOD MEMORY VERSE: - Colossians 3:3 - "For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God." (AMPC) Coming into Christ Jesus brings us into the divine family. We become God's children. And so, Galatians 3:26 says, "In Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ" As God's children, we are brought under His protection. It is impossible for the enemy to harm us because of the father's protection that we have. Wherefore, our memory verse tells us that we are hidden in Christ inside God. This is not something of the future, it is definitely not when we die, but right now as we are living inside of Him, we are by the power of the Holy Spirit positioned in Him as He is in God.  As your life is hidden with Christ in God, it then means that before anyone or for


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational GENERATIONAL REWARD MEMORY VERSE: - Psalm 112:2 - "Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed" When we genuinely worship God in spirit and in truth, we will enjoy generational reward. Certainly, no one who worships God in spirit and truth is left unrewarded. God reward up to generations yet unborn. Concerning Enoch in Genesis 5:24, the scripture says. "And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him." Now, the phrase 'He was not' means he did not die, God took him alive to live with them in heaven. Now, while Enoch was rewarded with life with God in heaven, his son Methuselah was the longest ever lived in human history. He enjoyed the benefits that followed his Father's worship to God. Wherefore, the scripture says, "......And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died." (Genesis 5:27). Truly, all who genuinely worshipp


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational MAINTAIN A LIVING CONNECTION WITH GOD MEMORY VERSE: - John 15:4 - " Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me." Every vision or goal that is connected to one's purpose is achievable as long as one has God by his or her side. All you need to do in order to achieve is to continually stay connected to God who alone is the source of our success in life. The heavenly Father has given us the Holy Spirit to help and guide us in all our ways. Wherefore, there is need for you to maintain a living connection with the Holy Spirit that you may be fruitful in all your ways. When something is living, it is active, it has life in it. So, living connection is active connection.   To maintain a living connection with God, you need to develop a relationship with Him. Secondly, spend time with Him through prayer and by reading His word. The greatest way to create