

AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational FOLLOW AND BE MADE MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 4:19 “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you......” He who follows is an apprentice, a trainee, or a student. As a believer, for you to be made, you must follow, you must learn from the master himself, you must submit to His leading. Colossians 2:6 tells us, "And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him." NLT  The believer must walk with Christ so as to avoid errors of life. We must go on with this exalted, all-sufficient Christ in the same way we received Him. How did we receive him? By the hearing of His word. And so, we must continue to have fellowship with Him in studying the Word and prayers. Certainly, we can't follow if we don't have fellowship with Him. Everyone desires to be made in life, We all want to succeed, we all want to achieve something and leave a legacy behind; but we can’t do it alone; it's important we understand t


AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational  EXCEPT THE LORD BUILDS A HOUSE MEMORY VERSE: - Psalm 127:1 , “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” In the passage above, we can see the futility of self-reliance and the foolishness of self-sufficiency. It proves that no one can achieve anything meaningful and lasting by its own power. This brings to mind the scripture that says, “It is the Lord your God that gives you power to get wealth” Deuteronomy 8:18: Indeed our sufficiency is of God for it is Him that gives us the grace to achieve anything in life. You may have great dreams, awesome visions and may set out of this goals to reaching them, however, you must understand that none can achieve anything outside God's power and grace. Except the Lord helps you in building that vision, goal or dreams; your efforts will be fruitless. Understand that reverencing, depending and trusting on God in all we


AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational TRUE WORSHIP 3 MEMORY VERSE: - John 4:23 -   “For God is a spirit, so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). A lot of people are carried away by physical features, appearances, great structures and humanistic system of worship: that they do not to seek for true worship from a pure heart that is given to the truth. While men look at these things, God looks at the heart: for He is the searcher of every man’s heart. (See Jeremiah 17:10). Therefore, true worship is not in the magnificent building, although it is good to have such befitting worship places for our God. True worship is also not in exciting music. True worship is in obedience to God’s instructions, it’s in submission to God’s will and it’s from a pure heart with a clear conscience cleansed from every wickedness. And so, Jesus said that the _ ‘Father is not only to be worshipped in spirit but also in Truth' ._ Truth is an important factor in our faith. We can’t s


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   TRUE WORSHIP 2 MEMORY VERSE: - Isaiah 29:13 "... These people draw near to me with their mouths, and honour me with their lips, yet have removed their hearts far from me. Moreover, their worship toward me is the doctrines of men." To show how God frowns at worship that is not from the heart, which is Lip worship, Jesus re-echoed this words in Matthew 15:8 . Lip worship is a hypocritical kind of worship, it is pretentious worship, it's a worship of show up, it appears to be godly before men but inwardly, the heart is far from God. The father seeks for true worshippers, He seeks for those who will worship Him with genuine hearts in revere, awe and adoration. He seeks for worshipers that both their words and lifestyle portrays what they believe. Oh, how many people talk religiously buy live differently from their words. Many showcase man made appearance while their lifestyle portrays evil and wickedness. Truly, appearance can be very deceitfu


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational TRUE WORSHIP 1 MEMORY VERSE: - John 4:23 - “But the time is coming” He said, “and is already here when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for anyone who will worship Him that way.”  In her encounter with Jesus, the Samaritan woman was made to understand that it takes more than playing religion to be a true worshiper. Indeed, today, they are people who are merely church goers and they are people who are true worshippers who worship the father and the son Jesus Christ from a pure heart. When Jesus became a ransom for us, He automatically opened the way for true worship in spirit – “through the body of His flesh, He consecrated for us a new and living way” (Hebrews 10:20). The old system of worship was based on symbolic Ark of covenant, ritual law, and physical circumcision of cutting off the foreskin of male organ. Nevertheless, in this new and living way that Christ opened for us, we are “circumcised in o


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational TAKE AWAY THE DROSS MEMORY VERSE: - Proverbs 24:4 - “Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer.” Dross is a scum, a refuse or impurity on the surface of melted metal. It is anything insignificant, meaningless, worthless, and of no value. On the other hand, it is a covering that covers the beauty and glory of someone or something. Whenever there is dross in any life, that person will never be able to manifest the glory of God in his or her life. Like a skin, it covers one’s true personality, it obstructs and hinders them from rising to the height that God destined for them, it stands as a coating, or an outer layer that covers its victim from being seen for glorification.  You may have great plans or dreams but there may be some character, attitudes, or lifestyles in you that could get in your way of achieving them, those things are dross and you need to take them away that your life may count.  Moreover, God w


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational   THE CHAMPIONS MEMORY VERSE - Philippines 4:8. “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.' The champions of today are those who declare their victory even before the battle starts. They declare their victory through their words, they are those who speak life no matter what is before them. It is important that you put a Watch over your words as your life eventually becomes the outcome of the words you speak. To speak right, you must think right because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). Therefore think on noble things that you may speak life giving words today.  Your mind is always active monitoring your body functions and thoughts. And your thoughts controls your entire life. As it is written, “For