

  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirationals   CALLED TO GLORY MEMORY VERSE: - Peter 1:3, “ According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” Our text says, we have been called to live a life of glory and virtue. Virtue speaks of excellence. It's a pity that mankind sees this as something that attributes to the dead. Peter was not talking to the dead but the living believers for as we well know the dead is lifeless, and they do not praise nor glorifies God, “ The dead do not praise the Lord, nor do any who go down into silence” (Psalm 115:17). The life of glory is a life that glorifies God. It's a life of excellence, and that of praise and since it is only the living that can do such, the believer is to glorify God in this world through His manifold goodness in their lives.  Assuredly, there is nothing holding back from the believer because of the indwelling Spirit of Christ


  _AbayeLiz Daily Inspirationals _  TASTE AND SEE MEMORY VERSE: - Psalm 34: 8; “O taste and see that the LORD is good; happy are those who take refuge in him.” In our text today, we are told to have a taste of the Lord and experience His goodness. To “ taste ” here, is to have experience. While to “ see ” is to understand, to realize, or to know by experience. So, this is a call to come to the place of encounter in God. It is to experience His graciousness and His power made real in our life. God provides us with protection, guidance, healing and provisions for all our needs.  Certainly, “The Lord is a sun and a shield, the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless” Psalm 84:11 And so, David, a man who had gone through many challenges and troubles in life and has experienced and discovered the goodness nature of God, invites us to come and do same. It doesn’t matter what you are going through, come to the fountain of life to draw,


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirationals ONLY BELIEVE MEMORY VERSE: - Mark 5:36. “As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said unto the ruler of the synagogue, be not afraid, Only Believe” Jairus was in the midst of great challenge, the news of his daughter's dead was very devastating. “Your daughter is dead. There’s no use troubling the teacher now” (Mark 5:35B). They said to him. Although, he came to seek Christ intervention while there was still life in the child, nevertheless, due to some distractions on the way, Christ didn’t immediately go to heal her, and finally, the child died.   Oh, how his spirit must have been broken and all hope lost... How everything must have seemed gloomy and impossible in the eyes of the ordinary man but not in the eyes of Christ who has been with the Father. He who knows what His father was capable of doing, He who knows what the perfect will of the Father was for Jairus and his daughter, as a result, He saw differently. He saw life in the mi


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirationals LOOK AND LIVE  MEMORY VERSE: - Psalm 34:5- “They looked unto Him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed" From the text above the word " Him" is referring to our "Lord Jesus Christ" So we can say "They looked unto the Lord , and were lightened." Truly! No man ever look unto the Lord for help is ever disappointed. When we are faced with burdens and challenges, we are to look unto the Lord because only in Him we can find rest and refuge, help and strength to go through it and come out unhurt and strong.  By looking up to Him, we are handing over our burdens to Him, we are exchanging our burdens with His grace, thus He will take away the heavy weight of the burden from us and give us rest. Jesus said, “ Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 GNTD.  So, are you tired, worn out, or burned out on situation? Come to Jesus and you’ll recover your l


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational  CHOSEN BY GRACE MEMORY VERSE - 1Corinthians 15:10 “But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.”. Grace has always been classified as unmerited favor but He is beyond unmerited favor. Unmerited favor is what comes through grace to us when He is resting and dwelling in us; Grace is the enablement of God. Grace is power. Every good thing in this life is by God’s grace. All our accomplishments are by His grace alone, you can do nothing without the grace of God. Child of God, I want you to know that you are chosen by grace, and for that reason, you will be given that which you may not be qualified for.  You may not be qualified for that job, or position, or for that appointment, but you are getting it anyway, because grace qualifies you.  You may not seem good enough before people but because grace qualifies y


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational NO LONGER SLAVE TO FEAR 2 MEMORY VERSE: - Isaiah 35:4 - “Say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.” Our text today brings us such hope and courage, it brings us a re-assurance that our Heavenly Father is always with us and cares so much for us: and more interestingly, is that we are no longer bond to fear because our heavenly Father is fighting our battles for us. Therefore, it says, “Say to those with fearful hearts” in order word, ‘declare’ ‘proclaim’ ‘announce’ ‘tell’ those who are in a state of fear due to some challenges around them, those in a state of confusion, those who right now are at the point of giving up, those who are tired of life and its uncertainty should not be afraid anymore because the Lord your God is coming through for you. He is taking care of those issues that are troubling you and is giving you rest from it. Paul


  AbayeLiz Daily Inspirational NO LONGER SLAVE TO FEAR MEMORY VERSE: - Romans 8:15 "For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father” (ESV). The scripture made us to understand that the believer is not under the influence of fear, consequently, do not have any reason to fear what tomorrow will bring because they know that their God is already in their tomorrow. The life of one outside Christ is that of fear, it is a life terrified on daily basis about life issues. This is because the power which brings freedom from fear is not in such life. Fear which came into humanity at the fall; has since then held mankind in its hold in bondage: but thanks be to God who sent His Son to destroy the stronghold of fear. For when Christ came, He delivered us from such bondage. Thus, as many that received Him into their life are no longer slave to fear. The believer in their new birth experienc